
[Maintenance] 2017/02/23 AM 10:00 ~ AM 10:30

================ for the Corum server

1. 期間制アイテムが一週間販売されます。
2. 叙情安定化
- ポータルスクロール(アルマンシア)
- ポータルスクロール(ラモンタ遺跡)
- セットアイテムBox(スペシャル)
- 4Grade BOX(Special)
- 総合コスチュームBOX-1(女)
- 総合コスチュームBOX-1(男)

1. 기간제 아이템이 일주일 동안 판매 됩니다.
- Portal Scroll (Almansia 알만시아포탈)
- Portal Scroll (Lamonta 라몬타포탈)
- Set item box(special)
- 4Grade BOX(Special)
- random costume box-1(W)
- random costume box-1(M)
2. 서버 안정화

Maintenance Information
1. Timelimit items is going to sale for a week.
- Portal Scroll (Almansia)
- Portal Scroll (Lamonta)
- Set item box(special)
- 4Grade BOX(Special)
- random costume box-1(W)
- random costume box-1(M)
2. reboot server

================ for the Battledungeon server

1. 期間制アイテムが一週間販売されます。
2. 叙情安定化
- 輝くエメラルド結晶
- ガーディアンガチャボックス
- ジオンのミステリアスBOX-6(Lv.170)
- ガーディアンスキルブックBox-1
- 総合コスチュームBOX-2(男)
- 総合コスチュームBOX-2(女)

1. 기간제 아이템이 일주일 동안 판매 됩니다.
- shinning emerald crystal
- Bekho Spirit of Cube
- zion's mysterious box-6(Lv.170)
- GD-skill rand box-1
- Random Costume BOX-2(M)
- Random Costume BOX-2(W)
2. 서버 안정화

Maintenance Information
1. Timelimit items is going to sale for a week.
- shinning emerald crystal
- Bekho Spirit of Cube
- zion's mysterious box-6(Lv.170)
- GD-skill rand box-1
- Random Costume BOX-2(M)
- Random Costume BOX-2(W)
2. reboot server

email: corumforever@gmail.com
facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/battledungeon/
facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Corumonline/
download: link


[Maintenance] 2017/02/16 AM 10:00 ~ AM 10:30

================ for the Corum server

1. 叙情安定化
2. ラモンタ遺跡ダンジョンが修正されました。
  - 一般モンスターからレア確率でイベント天秤がドロップされます。
  - 経験値が20%上昇されました。

1. 서버 안정화
2. Theremainsoflamonta 던전이 수정 됐습니다.
- 일반 몬스터에서 레어 확률로 이벤트천칭이 드롭됩니다.
- 경험치가 20% 상향 됐습니다.
3. Ⅱ fort of training의 입장 최고레벨 제한이 190으로 수정 됐습니다.

Maintenance Information
1. reboot server
2. The Theremainsoflamonta dungeon has been updated.
- The event libra card is going to drop from the normal monsters by rare rate.
- 20% of experence has been appended for the normal monsters.
3. The max level limit has been updated to Lv190 for the Ⅱ fort of training dungeon.

================ for the Battledungeon server

1. 叙情安定化
2. 訓練教官変更

1. 서버 안정화
2. 훈련교과 변경

Maintenance Information
1. reboot server
2. Trainer has been changed in colosseum.

email: corumforever@gmail.com
facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/battledungeon/
facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Corumonline/
download: link


[Maintenance] 2017/02/09 AM 10:10 ~ AM 10:30

1. 叙情安定化
2. 訓練教官変更

1. 서버 안정화
2. 훈련교과 변경

Maintenance Information
1. reboot server
2. Trainer has been changed in colosseum.

email: corumforever@gmail.com
facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/battledungeon/
facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Corumonline/
download: link


[Maintenance] 2017/02/02 AM 10:00 ~ AM 10:30

1. お正月イベントを終了します。
2. 期間限定アイテムの販売を停止します(Costume、4 Grade box、Set Item box).

1. 설날이벤트를 종료 합니다.
2. 기간한정 아이템 판매를 중단 합니다(Costume、4 Grade box、Set Item box).

1. The event of the lunar new year is stopped.
2. Time limit items have been stopped to sale(Costume、4 Grade box、Set Item box).

email: corumforever@gmail.com
facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/battledungeon/
facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Corumonline/
download: link